Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Planned Route

From Bowling Green Kentucky and St Louis Missouri we are off to the Southwest.
First to Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico to study the following works by master fresco painter Frederico Vigil.
"Santa Madre Tierra y su Alma," The Albuquerque Museum
"Cosmos Historia, the Harmonious Process," Mesa Vista Hall, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
"Brother Miguel Febres Cordero, FSC," Meditation Room, College of Santa Fe San Inez de Campo Chapel, San Acacio Street, Santa Fe "Asumption of our Lady," Rosario Chapel in Rosario Cemetery, Old Taos Highway, Santa Fe

Next, travel to Los Angeles, California to study the techniques, process and pedagogy of buon fresco painting. Master fresco painter iLia Anosov at the Fresco School offers a private lesson in buon fresco

Finally travel up the coast to San Francisco to see works by master fresco painter Diego Rivera:
“The Making of the Fresco” 1931, San Francisco art Institute
“Allegory of California” 1931, San Francisco Stock Exchange


Anonymous said...

hey aunt leslie i hope you guys r having a lot of fun call me later

lots of love


CMitch said...
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